Portable Salt Rooms Australia TM

Affordable Salt Therapy for People around Australia Suffering Breathing and Skin Conditions. We are an Australian Owned Business

Salt Therapy is a Non-invasive “No Harm” Complimentary therapy used for all breathing and skin conditions with no known side effects. The salt used in our Halotherapy system is also used to produce saline solution so we know its safe for the human body.

The dry Pharmaceutical Salt is ground into a fine powder and pumped as an aerosol into an enclosed space for breathing into the lung or exposure to skin. The mucous membrane in the lung absorbs the salt and assists your body to remove congestion.

Salt also causes osmotic pressure in viruses causing them to implode as the salt draws all the moisture out of the virus.

Salt Therapy has a long history starting in Eastern Europe and slowly expanding around the world. To learn about global studies and research please CLICK HEREWhat is Halotherapy

To visit our Range: Click Here

You and your family can experience the benefits of the sea breeze every day very simply at home.

Just Imagine yourself at the beach on a warm sunny day and there is a refreshing salt breeze. You are experiencing salt therapy! You feel refreshed and invigorated.

But for most, they cannot go to the beach and have that experience every single day. But you and your family can experience salt therapy at home whenever and wherever it suits you! Your health is in your hands.

Salt Therapy is for all generations of your family.

Different options for different needs:

-Private Salt Therapy for Home use. Keep safe from external contagions for your health needs and convenience

-Small Salt Therapy Rooms for natural health clinics or beauty salons

-Purpose Built Salt Therapy Rooms or Group Salt Therapy Rooms

Our Salt Therapy System only uses Pharmaceutical grade salt. Pharmaceutical salt is pure Sodium Chloride (NaCl) and has NO ADDITIVES. It is pure white salt. Pharmaceutical salt is NOT magnesium salt, Himalayan salt or table salt. It is the same salt used to manufacture Saline solution, so we know its safe for the body. It is not a pharmaceutical product, but it’s referred as pharmaceutical salt due to its purity and use in medicine.

Our system grinds up DRY Pharmaceutical salt to the correct micron size and spreads the fine salt evenly in any controlled space. Whether it be one of our mini pop-out rooms, a cabin or a permanent installation, we have all the answers to your salt therapy needs.

You can be comfortable knowing you are experiencing the real deal!

Benefits of our Salt Therapy Rooms. No more driving, no more parking, no more walking in the wind, rain and dust laden air, only to have the benefits of salt therapy completely undone within minutes after a 1 hour session. Our simple system allows you to stay indoors and maximise the benefits of salt therapy at home.

To visit our Range: Click Here

Or, Watch this 5-minute Video

To read and view all our TESTIMONIALS Click Here

Salt Therapy Room options for Home or Business with an Australia Wide 12 Month Standard Warranty or 24 Month Extended Warranty Option.

Salt Therapy Room options for Home

Home user range is designed for easy use. Perfect for single, couples and family daily use, and even for extended family.

1/ Mini Pop Out Salt Room with Halogenerator (Salt Generator) for One person at a time: VIEW HERE

Watch this 5 minute video about our Mini Pop-out Salt Room: VIEW HERE

2/ Salt Generator with Shelving Stand with 1 x Halogenerator For Home Users or Small Scale Natural Therapy Home Based Business. Up to 2 hours use per day. Totally Portable VIEW HERE

Salt Therapy Room options for Business or Practitioners

1/ Mini Pop Out Salt Room with Halogenerator (Salt Generator) for Mobile or Small Scale Practitioners: VIEW HERE

2/ Salt Room Conversions. External Room Installation. Convert a Room to a Profit Centre. 1-8 Clients at a time: VIEW HERE

We also conduct regular zoom events giving an overview of what you need to do to setup a salt therapy room and a Q&A session at the end of the presentation to answer any questions.

To view when our next presentations are being held and to book into one of the sessions please CLICK HERE

Salt Generator – Halogenerator

Our Patented Micro Salt Generator requires minimal maintenance 100% Effective for Breathing and Skin Conditions. All instructions supplied with your order.

For inquiries please call

Steven on 0427 878 378

or email with questions to info@portablesaltroomsaustralia.com

To visit our Range: Click Here

Our Salt Therapy Technology provides a purpose built “Micro-climate” that emulate the traditional Salt Therapy Rooms & Salt Therapy Caves, but are totally portable and with Australian Warranties. A combination of microscopic aerated pharmaceutical salt, negative ions and warmth with correct humidity, make the perfect environment to support recovery and recuperation from all kinds of respiratory and skin conditions.

This micro salt therapy climate is standardised to maintain consistent supply of dry salted air and negative ions that allows the body to repair itself naturally.

Our salt therapy pop-out takes just minutes to set up, while a salt therapy cabin unit can be set up in just an hour by two able bodied people.

Our Salt Therapy Pop-out units are always in stock and are shipped within 5-7 business days.

You can now order salt therapy booth units with delivery in 3-4 week. The cabin units are ideal for two adults or a parent and child while the pop-out unit is designed for one person usage while under supervision.

Please phone Steven Bettles on 0427 878 378 to receive information about ordering your unit.

Visit our display unit Eastern Suburbs Melbourne (Bayswater) and have a FREE 30 minute session (Only for serious users). Appointment and initial discussion over the phone is required to ascertain if this unit will be right for you.

Please call 0427 878 378 and speak to Steven if you have any questions.

For pricing options go to our Visit the Showroom Here…

Contact Us


Bayswater, Victoria 3153

Email: info@salttherapysystems.com.au

Call Us

Steven Bettles

Mobile: 0427 878 378

Contact Us